Case Studies
Learn how companies are leveraging the ORock platform

Wireless Guardian chose ORock because they meet the highest standards of cloud security and regulatory compliance in the market. ORock offers cloud object storage, predictable pricing, easy access to video files, regulatory compliance and high performance, meeting all cloud requirements.

The National Institutes of Health chose ORock Technologies and CHESA to fast track a powerful, price-predictable cloud storage solution they could use immediately. The NIH turned to ORock because its cloud solution can cost-effectively store one of the world’s most important repositories of medical data and imaging and protect it with the highest standards of security and compliance.

Bryodyn chose ORock Technologies to host its mission-critical cloud applications. Not long after the selection process concluded, the Bryodyn-ORock cloud infrastructure went into production and began reaping the benefits—primarily price predictability and 24/7 U.S.-based customer support—immediately.

Fierce Software selected ORock to migrate its full suite of applications and workshop platform from AWS to the ORockCloud, an enterprise-grade open source cloud environment.

Q Capital selected ORock for its advanced cloud environment architected specifically for secure data operations, customer service supporting employees working remotely and predictable pricing model with zero egress fees.

ViON partnered with ORock to migrate its automation platform from the existing infrastructure provider into the ORockCloud, which is authorized by FedRAMP at the Moderate impact level, satisfying 325 security controls.