CI/CD Pipeline
Automate Your Security Software Application Process
and Save Time
An Innovative Solution that Saves Time with STIG Automation
Application development, testing and deploying to production is complex and demanding. When you add hundreds of Security Technical Information Guidelines (STIG) compliance requirements for application development, systems deployment, networking, hardware and cloud environment usage, software development with a traditional Continuous Integration, Continuous Development/Deployment (CI/CD) solution can be overwhelming, costly, infrastructure and human resource intensive. With ORock’s CI/CD Pipeline, we’ve developed an innovate solution to a persistent problem that effectively speeds up the product development lifecycle.

A Unique Architecture That Automates CI/CD Compliance

Utilizing years of experience in software and systems development for government entities, ORock built an automated CI/CD pipeline that can be deployed in hours and validates development, testing and production releases with the applicable STIGs.
The ORock CI/CD Pipeline integrates the key swim-lanes of development including coding, build environments, security scanning, application packaging and application deployment. This means you can get software development projects up and running in a matter of days vs. weeks.
Pre-built environment on the ORockCloud allows you to focus on the high-value development of software solutions and not the underlying time-consuming systems management.
Since ORock has built out the pipeline components and developed the connective software to validate STIG compliance, you can be confident that your software development won’t mistakenly miss compliance requirements.
To ensure a full 360 view, the ORock CI/CD Pipeline maintains logs for general reporting and auditing purposes to ensure STIG compliance of the automation.
Get Back to Business Faster with ORock CI/CD Pipeline
CI/CD is the key concept in building a repeatable pipeline structure that lets development resources focus on actual development and not systems administration. With ORock CI/CD Pipeline, prebuilt code and software development pipelines reduces the time to architect and build pipeline solutions and production deployment can be achieved much faster.
A Battle Tested Pipeline is Deployment Ready

Having partnered with the U.S. Army, the ORock CI/CD Pipeline solution is battle tested for implementation success. ORock worked with the Defensive Cyber Operations, Applied Cyber Technologies team and built the DCO Resource for Update, Innovation and Development (DRUID), a cloud-based CI/CD pipeline solution to address their need for dominance on the cyber battlefield.
- Leveraging DevSecOps, prioritizes security at outset of development process
- New method to build, harden, scan, integrate and package application sets
- Award winning infrastructure used by 40+ vendors
ORock CI/CD Pipeline Benefits
Low impact on human resources to get up and running
Increase deployment requency so that smaller, more valuable chunks of functionality can be rapidly utilized
Templatized environments are easy to spin
Central Reporting
Deployable in IL2 and IL5 environments
Pipeline application abstraction allows teams to utilize their specific applications without needing to understand how the entire pipeline works

Expert Cloud Architects Ready to Deploy on Secure, Open Source Cloud
ORockCloud is a FedRAMP authorized cloud environment architected on OpenStack Platform. We built ORockCloud from the ground up for secure, high-performance data operations using industry-leading hardware, a private fiber optic backbone network, scalable storage and hardened, enterprise-grade open source applications.
An Innovative CI/CD Pipeline Delivers Software Application Success
Download the ORock CI/CD Pipeline Solution Overview or contact us.