Take Control of your Cloud Spend
Save Money While Maximizing Performance
ORock’s Complimentary Cloud Assessment Could Save You Money
Your cloud invoice can be difficult to navigate. Multiple charges and numerous break outs might include API calls, transfer fees, egress fees, compute costs, storage fees and other fees that you can’t explain. This labyrinth of services can quickly add up and put you over budget.
According to Flexera’s 2021 State of the Cloud Report, a typical public cloud spend goes “over budget by an average of 24%. Moreover, respondents expect their cloud spend to further increase by 39% in the next 12 months.”
Let ORock help you take control of your current and future cloud spend with a fast, easy-to-understand cloud assessment. By leveraging our secure tool, inclusive of third-party proprietary algorithms, the assessment allows us to compare costs of ORock cloud services vs AWS or Azure.
This can identify potential cost savings for your cloud spend. Rethink compute and storage services with ORock and get substantial price and performance advantages.